Ep124. How To Get Started With Digital Marketing.
Dennis Yu
Overwhelm….arghh…it’s what’s holding so many of you back from implementing a successful digital marketing strategy.
- Technology overwhelm…it all seems so damn complicated.
- Time overwhelm…I don’t have the time to be implementing all this “stuff”.
Right…I get it…I used to feel that way too.
So…let’s see if we can ease a bit of that overwhelm and get you moving forwards.
Sound good?
Today guest has given over 730 professional speeches and has flown over 5 million miles and he’s been responsible for driving leads and sales for clients like the Golden State Warriors, Nike, and Rosetta Stone.
And as impressive as that is…what moves me even more is his ENORMOUS mission is to provide education at no cost to young adults to become certified digital marketers
On the podcast today we tackle the mountainous challenge of how should practitioners GET STARTED with their digital marketing.
Here’s a little taste of what spoke about.
- the 3 kinds of videos you should be making
- how long your videos should be
- why you shouldn’t be “over producing” your videos
- the $1 a day Facebook funnel to get you famous in your community
Make sure you have a pen and paper handy for this one because you’re going to want to take notes.
Enjoy the show
Thanks for all you do.
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Links Mentioned In The Show
Website https://blitzmetrics.com
Linkedin dennisyu
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dennis.yu
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Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu is the Chief Technology Officer of BlitzMetrics, a digital marketing company which partners with schools to train young adults. Dennis’ program mentors students to manage social campaigns for enterprise clients like the Golden State Warriors, Nike, and Rosetta Stone. He’s spoken in 17 countries as an international lecturer on Facebook Marketing. Dennis has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times, Fox News, and a co-author of Facebook Nation – a textbook taught in 700+ colleges and universities.