Ep130. The Oprah Effect.
Angus Pyke
Have you ever felt stuck for content ideas for your videos? Do you know that you should be creating videos but you hate being the center of attention? Would you like to learn a powerful strategy that builds trust, expertise and helps to position you as the local health gatekeeper?
If you answered yes…then today’s episode is especially for you…yep…I’m talking to YOU!
In today’s episode I’m going to be talking to you about a strategy that I call the Oprah Effect.
So, what is the Oprah Effect?
Oprah Winfrey was able to build her massive empire all on the back of her doing interviews. Think about for a moment…Oprah wasn’t responsible for the content she just chose great guests and asked them interesting questions.
Interviews allowed Oprah to become one of the most trusted and influential people on the planet.
The great thing about interviews is that you don’t end up on the endless cycle of having to come up with new ideas every week.
Just be like Oprah…choose the right person to interview and then know what to ask them…I’ll teach you how to do this during this episode.
You’ll learn why interviews are so powerful, who you should be interviewing, what questions to ask and how you can use interviews to build enormous amounts of trust, expertise and goodwill in your community.
In fact…when you do interviews right, your guests will do half the promotional work for you…WHOOP WHOOP!
Check it out now
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