Ep151. What Can You Learn From The Businesses That Are Thriving Right Now? Angus Pyke
In todays episode I talk about what you can learn from the businesses that are currently thriving. Regardless of the economy, throughout history there’s always been businesses that have managed to thrive when others have failed.
Right now, education businesses like Masterclass, Udemy and Creative Live are experiencing record growth.
The reason these businesses are doing well is firstly, the shift towards remote working has meant that our time “online” is at a record high but secondly there has been a drastic shift in how customers are consuming information.
Think about it for a moment…why would customers be happy to pay for courses and training when they can learn just about everything they want for free on sites like Youtube?
Listen in now and I’ll share with you why this is and how you can capitalise on this growing trend.
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