Ep176. How To Write Irresistible Emails.
Angus Pyke
In todays episode we’ll talk about the 7 best practices for writing patient attracting emails.
Here’s an overview of what I cover.
- Use an Email Service Provider i.e Mailchimp
- No Gmail Accounts
- Take Time To Think About Subject Line
- Keep The Design Simple (NOT Corporate)
- Write For One Person
- Prioritise Content Consumption On Your Site
- Use Clickable Images
One of the most under utilised, cost effective and easy to implement marketing strategies is email marketing. If you’ve not considered upping your email game let me tell you why this is important:
- You’re 6 times more likely to get a click through from an email than you are from a social media post
- Your message is 5 times more likely to be seen in email than facebook
- When it comes to purchases (making an apt) as a result of receiving a marketing message..email has a much higher conversion rate
- YOU own the connection with this audience NOT the social media platform.
Enjoy the show.
Thanks for all you do, keep saving lives.
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Angus, loved the content. However… I am NOT a Mac lover, tho’ I use one 2x a week for another project. With your comment about “just get a Mac,” I now feel less connected to you than I did–which is sad for me. I’ll keep watching as I can, but wanted you to know, since I may not be alone in this.
Happy holidays!
Hi Leslie, sorry my comment caused some disconnect.
The comment was meant to be received with lightness and humour and not an attack or a reflection on anyones computer preferences.
Whatever works for you is fine with me.
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. I really appreciate you!
Best wishes.