Ep182. My Thoughts On Decreasing Stress And Overwhelm. Angus Pyke
In this episode I’m going to share my thoughts on stress, overwhelm and generally living a happier and more productive live.
This morning I was talking to a coaching client…an amazing, caring and compassionate chiropractor.
We were chatting about overwhelm, she was sharing just how stressed she was because of all of the things that she NEEDED to be doing at the moment.
Her to do list seemed endless and I felt slightly overwhelmed just hearing all the things that she NEEDED to do.
Here’s something I want you to think about…
The language we use to describe our lives has a huge impact on whether we end up stressed and overwhelmed or happy and productive.
Our brain doesn’t know the difference between an emotional/imagined stress and a physical “real” stress like being chased by a mugger or stalked by a tiger.
So…if you want to feel less stress and overwhelmed then perhaps start looking closer at the language you’re using.
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