
Ep186. How To Build A Waiting List Practice.

Erin Purtle

I remember the relief I felt what I first started adopting the mindset of “challenges happen FOR ME rather than TOO ME.”

Instead of feeling like a victim this mindset put me back in control of my emotions and actions.

My guest on the podcast this week is chiropractor Erin Purtle and she’s a living example of this mindset.

When Erin was confronted with months of potential shut downs last year she realised that she needed to develop some new skills (one of which was marketing).  It was then that she reached to me and joined Community Influencer.

Over the past 6 months Erin has gone from strength to strength. Her practice and income have continued to grow and she now has a 4 week waiting list of new patients.

In this episode we talk about exact marketing strategies Erin implemented and what makes her a great student.

Enjoy the show.


Need New Patients?

Learn About My Step by Step Community Influencer System. 

I’ll Guide You Towards Becoming The
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So Patients Will Naturally Want To Choose You First!

Links Mentioned In The Show

To get access to Tristan’s free scripts then email operations@chirorevenue.com and put “I love Angus” in the subject line. 

Website: www.onaquiropractica.com

Instagram: onaquiropractica

Subscribe To The Marketing Your Practice Podcast

iTunes | https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/marketing-your-practice/id1370714740?mt=2

Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/5eOycXrqKdk0XY5a7HfrEo

Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-insightful-chiropractor/marketing-your-practice

Erin Purtle is an Aussie Chiropractor who’s been practices abroad for the past 15+ years. She’s the current owner of ONA Quiropractica and was one of the founders of the Barcelona Chiropractic College (was on the BOG from 2009-2014).

When she’s not in practice you’ll find her chasing her 2 year old around or playing paddle tennis.

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Angus Pyke
Ep185.  The New Practice Series Part 3. Tony Rose
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