Ep192. Is This Limiting Belief Holding You Back?
Angus Pyke
This year on the podcast we’re going to be having a lot more headspace conversations. An in todays episode I want to share with you one of the foundational beliefs that is holding you back.
Now you might be thinking Angus…this is a Marketing Podcast I just want to learn about Marketing and yes you’re right it is a marketing podcast.
However let me remind you that I’ve released more than 200 episodes with enough marketing strategies and tactics in there that if you followed them you’d have more new patients than you’d know what to do with.
The reason though, that you don’t have this result yet, is all the belief systems, stories and thoughts that you have about marketing, about money and about what it means to have the practice and the life of your dream.
So what is this foundational belief that is holding you back…well, thank you for asking.
Listen to the episode now and I tell you all about it.
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