Ep204. The Queen Of Instagram Reels.
Lauryn Brunclik.
My guest on the show today is Dr. Lauryn Brunclik and she’s just fabulous.
She’ a chiropractor in her 11th year in practice, and she juggles 2 pediatric cash clinics, a non-profit, momming, and her successful podcast “She Slays the Day” for female chiropractors, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs.
In today episode we speak talk about the importance of authenticity in our marketing,
Lauren shares the different roles that different platforms like Instagram, TIkTok and Facebook can have in our marketing
And Lauren amongst her many gifts is also the Queen of Instagram Reels.
So if you’re new to Instagram Reels, Confused by Instagram reels or just want to up your Instagram Reels game then todays episode is for you.
Enjoy the show.
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Links Mentioned In The Show
To get access to Tristan’s free scripts then email operations@chirorevenue.com and put “I love Angus” in the subject line.
Website: https://sheslayspodcast.com
Facebook: sheslayspodcast
Instagram: drlaurynbrunclikdc
Subscribe To The Marketing Your Practice Podcast
iTunes | https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/marketing-your-practice/id1370714740?mt=2
Spotify | https://open.spotify.com/show/5eOycXrqKdk0XY5a7HfrEo
Stitcher | https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-insightful-chiropractor/marketing-your-practice

Lauryn Brunclik
Dr. Lauryn Brunclik, DC is a walking talking example of the messiness and dichotomy of life. She loves Jesus, but will definitely drop an F bomb or two.
She was determined to build a large chiropractic business, but moved to town of 2500 people in the Northwoods of Wisconsin right out of school, by choice
She built two high volume clinics on an insurance model, then went out of network with all insurance.
She is actively working on not needing the approval of others but can tell you exactly how many Instagram followers she has. She has worked her way up to the inner circle of 2 chiropractic organizations, both of which she is no longer a part of.
She has one stupid tattoo and one awesome one.
She runs half marathons but regularly eats pizza.
She loves her husband and 2 daughters dearly but can’t sit still on a weekend with them. She loves avocados, but who doesn’t.
She recently left an organization she was climbing the ladder of to just “be still”… & then 12 hours later she started a podcast.
She’s direct, but rooted in kindness and communication.
She freaking loves chiropractic and helping women find how to create their ideal work & life balance.