
Ep238. A Chiropractic Communication Masterclass.

Don MacDonald

If you’re looking for easily actionable and effective strategies to explain chiropractic and better connect with your patients, then today’s episode is for you.

My guest today is Dr Don MacDonald.

Don and his wife Brandi are known around the world for helping to bring chiropractic communication and practice models into the 21st century.

In today’s episode, Don shares what he’s learnt from setting up his brand new practice and why he thinks right now, in the middle of a pandemic, is the BEST time for you to be doing this.

Don shares how he uses posture, function and stress to communicate the chiropractic message and we have a chat about how the developing PolyVagal theories are helping to explain the chiropractic model.

Enjoy the show.

Thanks for all you do, keep saving lives.



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Referred to as, “Dr. Don” by his patients, Dr. MacDonald loves chiropractic education and practice.

Dr. MacDonald graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1997, and has since been in active practice in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

He was the President of the Edmonton Chiropractic Society from 2004 until 2011.  He co-authored ‘Tired of Being Sick and Tired’, co-created “Conversations with Dr. Michael Hall” to help Chiropractors increase their knowledge about the benefits of Chiropractic care and is author of the best-selling book “The Underdog Curse” available on Amazon.

Dr. Don and his wife Brandi MacDonald have a Chiropractic Seminar Series that have been providing Wellness-based continuing education to Chiropractors around the world since 2007 called True Concepts Seminars, the co-creator the Vitality Shift at www.thevitalityshift.com, and hosts the podcast “The Vitality Shift Podcast for Chiropractors” at www.drdonmacdonald.com

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