Ep255. How The Right Branding Can Grow Your Practice. Justin Faulkner
What is branding and why is it important to your practice?
When I say important, I don’t just mean visually important.
In fact, the visual component that so many of us associate with branding, like the logo, colours and typeface, is only a small component of branding.
Branding, when done right, attracts the right kind of high quality patients, helps you share your message wider and deeper, increases your impact across the community and puts money in your bank account.
In today’s episode I’m talking with Justin Faulker. He’s a graphic designer and branding expert and LOVES helping chiropractors share their message and grow their practices.
Your brand is what people say about your practice when you’re not around. The good news is, there are specific strategies that you can implement to help to guide that conversation and in today’s episode, Justin explains exactly how.
Enjoy the show.
Thanks for all you do. Keep saving lives.
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Links Mentioned In The Show
Website: https://www.theshapingbay.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theshapingbay.design
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theshapingbay.design
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Justin Faulkner
Justin spent years working on a range of global brand projects; building a financial centre’s presence on a global market, for Lawyers in the Bahamas, Trusts funds in Geneva, and local governments. The work was technically fulfilling, but I found myself disconnected from the client type.
In 2014, Justin opened The Shaping Bay, providing corporate-level branding for small businesses. Taking a step in the opposite direction from the corporate world he had been working in.
In early 20’s, Justin got sick whilst travelling and surfing in Indonesia. Like many people’s health stories, on returning home, the symptoms didn’t go away.
Justin had started reading a lot into diet and lifestyle and began following a paleo style diet which got me instant results. He then started working with a brilliant Naturopath and seeing my cousin, Tom Faulkner for Chiropractic adjustments. Within a few months of treatment, he felt better than I had ever known and finally in control of my health again.
Over the last 10+ years, Justin’s health journey inspired his interest in functional healthcare and human vitality, and has inspired his partner Mara to study Naturopathy. Mara and Justin love reading and implementing diet, lifestyle, spirituality, fitness and health hacks into our daily life. Striving to live the most natural, human lifestyle we can.