
Ep266. Can Your C.A Run Your Social Media? Angus Pyke

In today’s episode I share 5 reasons why your C.A is perfectly positioned to manage all of your social media marketing.

I then layout the exact step by step plan that I go through to train my C.A’s to manage our social media marketing (you should copy this!) ?

If you like the idea of having your C.A run your social media but don’t have the time or desire to train them, then I can help.

Starting from July 11th, I’m going to be teaching 20 C.A’s how to implement a world class social media marketing strategy for their chiropractic practice.

If you would like me to train your C.A so you can have your own inhouse Social Media rock star, then click here to find out more.

I’m only offering 20 spots and almost half of them are gone already.

If you want to be part of it, don’t wait, head to www.anguspyke.com/ca and check out what’s involved.


P.S Imagine for a moment, Angus, that you had your own in house Social Media Manager. One who truly understands your business, mission and purpose.  One who brought in new patients and helped to position your practice as the go to place in your community. All this in less than 2 hours a week.  Sound too good to be true?  I used to think so too.  Head over to www.anguspyke.com/ca and I’ll show you how to make this dream a reality.



Need New Patients?

Learn About My Step by Step Community Influencer System. 

I’ll Guide You Towards Becoming The
Trusted Health Advisor In Your Community,
So Patients Will Naturally Want To Choose You First!

Links Mentioned In The Show

Find out more about Social Media for C.A’s


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