Ep166. How To Get Better Marketing Results.
Ben Carvosso
Many of you come to the podcast to learn what you need to DO to HAVE better results with your marketing.
However, what I often don’t talk about is who do you need to BE to DO the things that HAVE you get better marketing results (sorry if that’s confusing…hang with me).
If you’ve studied any personal development work in the past you’ve probably come across the concept of BE, DO, HAVE.
I’m often guilty of focusing too much on what I have to DO (the tactics and strategies) and not enough on who I need to BE. When I turn my attention to who I need to be things often flow so much more easily for me.
Think about for a moment…if you’re to get great results from your marketing there’s probably a few key characteristics that it would be worth while incorporating. Things like committed, courageous, and resilient a few that come to mind.
On the podcast this week I have best selling author and high performance coach Dr Ben Carvosso. Ben has 28 years experience working with entrepreneurs, small businesses and allied health practitioners.
Ben and I talk about important foundations that must be laid before we embark on implementing a heart centred marketing strategy.
This episode will be important and helpful if you’re finding it difficult to follow through or you’re not getting the results in life or work that you want to.
Enjoy the show.
Thanks for all you do.
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Ben Carvosso
Dr. Ben Carvosso is a High Performance Coach with 28 years experience. Having started his personal development career at age 19, Dr. Ben has spent the last 28 years refining the art of helping to bring out the best in individuals and teams. Using a variety of coaching methodologies, mentoring and success strategies he inspires people for their ideal life to find and achieve their life’s work.
Dr. Ben started off in business purchasing a Health Centre at age 23. He built that business up over 14 years to become one of Australia’s largest Allied Health practices. About 12 years into his business career Ben also built a Radiology Company from scratch. Starting as Owner, HR Manager, Supply Manager, PR Manager, Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, Finance controller and at times Cleaner. Over 7 years, he built it to a company that had 4 Comprehensive Radiology sites throughout SE Melbourne employing over 34 staff and turning over $3.5M annually.
Dr. Ben now owns a company called The On Button. It provides bespoke health care across a range of services, including Chiropractic, Myotherapy, Natural Therapies as well as incorporating his High Performance Business Coaching.
In 2018 Dr Ben published what was to become an Amazon Bestseller, Life CEO – Take charge and start doing your life’s work not your busy work. This book is a coaching manual designed to help business owners design their ideal life, so that they stopped the busy, the full and instead found fulfilment. That all aspects of their life became profitable, including their business.
The High Performance Business Coaching arm of The On Button provides tailored Personal and Business Coaching, Mentoring and Strategy specifically for…
• Business Owner or Teams
• Entrepreneurs
• Businesses generating $500K to $5M in revenue
Ben believes that an extraordinary life is available to you, but first you must become the change, that you want to see in your business, relationships, team and the world around you.
You see, it’s all about you!